Earning money through survival jobs: Does it make sense?


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Watch Linda Ryan discuss how *BCCA-Integrating Newcomers can help you access jobs faster!

You will have to make a decision once you arrive in Canada: Should I get a “survival job”Earn money or find a job within my profession. A survival job isn’t the best job to start with. Survival jobs can be an easy way to earn some money to pay your bills. Once you get a job as a survivor, don’t give up on the job search. The decision you make will affect your life in Canada for several years. This article can help you decide what path to take once you arrive in Canada.

Linda Ryan, Provincial Manager of Apprenticeship Services at BCCA, was our interviewee. Linda Ryan offers her advice on survival jobs.

“My advice is to fasten your proverbial seat belt, hunker down and budget to be out of work for up to six months. Then before you opt for that survival job (a job that pays the bills but doesn’t relate to your career dreams and/or existing education, qualifications and industry experience) take a deep breath and consider all your options and the associated positive and negative consequences of each. You should only take action after you have given yourself time to consider all the implications of a particular decision.

Linda Ryan is the Provincial Manager (Apprenticeship Service), BCCA

What is a survival job?

A survival job is a way to pay the bills. But, it doesn’t relate to your career dreams or professional background. Often, it’s a low-paying job that requires little to no skills. These jobs can be easily obtained and only pay enough to pay your bills. Survival jobs usually pay less than $20 per hour.

Survival jobs are usually long and exhausting shifts, with only one or maybe two days off per week. These jobs are also very low paying and offer few benefits such as medical or dental coverage. Although, it’s good to ask the employer if they do provide any benefits.

Some examples of survival tasks include:

  • Warehouse or factory worker
  • Restaurant worker, just to name a couple.

Since a survival job requires little skill, it doesn’t have to be related to your profession. The employer will train you on the skills required for your survival job.

Consider how a temporary job can help you save time while you search for a more permanent job.

Survival Jobs: The Disadvantages

After arriving in Canada, a survival position is not always your best option. Survival jobs can leave little time and energy for job searching. Survival jobs can give you a sense that you are doing something worthwhile. This is because they don’t require you to do a lot of thinking and the tasks you have to do are generally easy. 

Newcomers who combine both of these factors often give up the job search after a couple of years of working survival jobs. The longer you work a survival job, it will be harder for you to get a job that is in your field.

Long-term survival jobs can also be detrimental to your experience. Although it may seem absurd, doing a job in survival for a long period of time can harm your abilities. Canadian experience

It is beneficial to build wealth by earning money for a short time with a survival position. Canadian experience. However, if you do this job for a long period of time, employers will be hesitant to employ you, as you may have only been doing a minimum wage job for the past couple of years. You may not be able to use any of your previous experience in your field.

“As a skilled newcomer to Canada often the biggest shock to your career trajectory is realizing that it takes time to secure work in your field of expertise.”

Linda Ryan is the Provincial Manager (Apprenticeship Service), BCCA

How much income will you earn?

Income is also a concern. Survival jobs can earn you a salary of $30,000 to $50,000 per year. Depending on where you live in Canada, this income probably won’t be enough to save up for a down payment and buy a house.

In cities such as Toronto or Vancouver, a salary of this amount will barely pay the rent. A survival job is a way to earn money to help you survive until you can find a job that suits you. It is not intended to be a permanent job, and you shouldn’t think of it as such.

Many survival jobs exist in the service sector, such as in restaurants or tourist attractions. Ryan explained that based on what her clients have experienced: “survival jobs pay lower and create a negative cycle of ‘no time and no energy’. This is because you have to work longer hours to earn enough money, or you can’t take time off to attend interviews for your dream job. As a result, you have little energy to go home after a shift and invest in your career, pastimes, or family. This negative cycle leaves newcomers asking what did I come to Canada for?”

Another client of Ryan’s stated: “survival jobs can be more of a hindrance than a help for your career because they cannibalize the energy you have for networking, job hunting, professional development and interviewing.”

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Earnings are a great way to earn money Survive and Earn Money

Survival jobs are often the first jobs that newcomers in Canada get, as they are easier to get than regular jobs. Canada is a very expensive country and it is difficult to live there for a long period of time without stable income. A survival job is enough to make you money for a few months and possibly some savings, if you’re careful. 

It is clear that survival jobs can hurt your chances of landing a job within your field. Survival jobs can be important in certain situations.

When you arrive in Canada it’s wise to have up to six months of savings while you conduct your job search. If you don’t have enough savings to last you a few months, it will be hard to continue your job search without earning additional money. In this scenario, it’s helpful to get a survival job as soon as you arrive in Canada to earn money.

earning income

If you can save enough to last for a few weeks, you should focus on finding a job within your field.  If you still cannot find a preferred job after that time, and your savings are running out, it’s time to find a survival job. As the name implies, survival jobs exist to pay the bills.

Should You Get A Survival Job To Earn Money?

Your situation will determine the answer. Not everyone arrives in Canada in the same financial position. The amount of savings you have and the outlook for your career will determine whether or not you need a survival job.

If you can, find a position that is in your field. When you apply for a position in your field, you’ll already have some experience. Canadian experience.

Plan how long your savings will last. During this time, do all you can to find the job of your choice. This can include:

  • Networking (letting people you know that you are looking for work)
  • Online job boards are a great way to find a job.
  • contacting employment agencies.

At the end of this time, if you still can’t find a good job, it’s time for a survival job to earn money.

It’s vital to research how your profession works in Canada before you arrive. Many newcomers to Canada believe they can easily find a job within their profession. This isn’t always the case. If you do your job search correctly, it is not difficult to find a job in Canada. It is important to do research on your chosen profession before you arrive in Canada and to start networking with professionals.

What type of survival jobs should I be looking for?

Most people will likely look for the best-paying survival jobs they can find. This may not be a good approach. It is best to look for a job that is somehow related to your career. 

If you are interested in working for a particular organization or company, you should try to secure a position there. For example, if you’re a teacher, you could try to get a job as a lunch supervisor or an assistant teacher. You will have experience when you apply for teaching jobs. Canadian experienceYou can get the job you want by using these tips.

If you are unable to find a job directly related to your field, you may want to consider survival jobs that require some of the same skills. Teachers who tutor part-time, or even full-time, can show potential employers that they are capable of teaching to Canadian standards.

If you search for jobs that will help you survive, your chances of finding a good one are higher. 

How can I find a job that will allow me to survive in Canada?

If you know where to search, finding a job in Canada that will help you survive is not difficult. You can find a job in Canada using the resources and techniques listed below.


NetworkingIt is the best way to get any job in Canada. Simply put, building relationships will help you in your career. Effective networking is achieved by establishing two-way relationships. You must prove your value and that you have the necessary skills and experience for the job. Your network may include friends and family members as well as people that you meet during the job search.

Just showing your resumé to the HR department of the organization will not be enough. Words are much more effective and convincing than any cover letter or resumé. Tell someone who can help get you a job about your skills and abilities when you speak to them. Make sure that when they hear about a job opportunity, they remember you. If you made an impression on them, then they might recommend you for the position.

Employment Agencies

Employment agencies can also be a great place to find work. These agencies are hired to find skilled and experienced workers by companies. You could look up some of your local employment agencies and then contact them. According to the Association of Canadian Search, Employment & Staffing Services, over two million workers are hired through employment agencies every year!

Online Job Boards

Online job boards is the most common method of finding a job. Websites like You can also find out more about us on our website.The following are some examples of how to get started: The following are some of the most recent LinkedIn posts:You can find great jobs online by using job boards. LinkedIn can be used to network. Employers use online job board to advertise available positions. You can apply directly to an employer via the job board if you find a job you are interested in.

In summary, a job in survival is not the best job to get as a first job. Survival jobs are a great way to earn some money. Do not give up your job search once you have a survival job. Ryan offers the following final advice:

“As a newcomer looking for your first role in Canada, remember that the sooner you make it look like you have ‘Canadian experience’ (i.e. through career-relevant credentials, memberships of local professional associations, building your network, taking more junior roles that will lead to your dream job), the sooner you’ll be considered equal to Canadian educated and experienced job candidates. This will help you get your foot into the career door quicker! And once you’re in, your career is already building momentum to be back on track!

Learn More about BCCA-IN

*The BCCA-Integrating newcomers program is a free, pre-arrival, Canada-wide service, focused on helping high-skilled newcomers explore and build successful construction careers. Services include tailored resumes, cover letters, LinkedIn advice and an in-depth assessment of skills and education. The Integrating Newcomers Team is made up of professionals with multi-industry expertise and immigrants who have successfully built careers in Canada.

‘ Credit:
Original content by www.prepareforcanada.com – “Earning Money with Survival Jobs: Is it Worth it?”

Read the complete article at https://www.prepareforcanada.com/after-you-arrive/employment-in-canada/earning-money-with-survival-jobs-is-it-worth-it/

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