Canada is Set to Unveil a Bill of Rights. – ASKMigration: Canadian Lifestyle Magazine


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Hello, everyone! Vancouver is the source of this big news! Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada just revealed a brand new plan for renters by 2024.

Picture this—a harmonious symphony of provinces and territories collaborating to compose a renters’ bill of rights. The crescendo The crescendo?

The Prime Minister’s Office says they’re creating a Bill of Rights for Renters. This new bill will make landlords spill the beans on rent history so newcomers know what’s what and can score a fair deal. Thus, an announcement by the leader’s administration in the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) indicates the upcoming emphasis on tenant rights will mandate that proprietors reveal detailed rent histories.

This measure aims at educating immigrants on expected lease costs upon arrival to ensure equitable negotiations. But wait, there’s more! They’re cracking down on sneaky evictions and making rental agreements a one-size-fits-all deal nationwide.

Plus, paying rent on time could boost your credit score. Trudeau’s also gunning to shake up the mortgage game. He wants landlords and banks to consider your rental history when you’re ready to buy.

It means better rates for first-time homebuyers. And get this: there’s an extraordinary $15 million fund in the works to back up tenants fighting unfair rent hikes and dodgy eviction tactics. Now, let’s talk rent. It’s on the rise, folks!

Vancouver and Toronto, two of the largest cities in Canada, will lead the way to a national average of over $2,000 by February 2024. And it’s hitting newcomers hard. Statistics show that one in six immigrants rents, and many of them spend a large portion of their income just to keep a roof above their heads.

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Original content by “Canada is Set to Unveil a Bill of Rights For Renters.” – ASKMigration: Canadian Lifestyle Magazine”

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