Explore Victoria Falls from Different Perspectives


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Victoria Falls from Different Perspectives: Stunning Sights

We were excited to explore Victoria FallsViewed from different angles. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is also one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World.

We got our first look at the Victoria Falls(Mosi oa-Tunya), after we finished our Rovos Rail Train trip from Pretoria Victoria Falls.  Driving from Zimbabwe over the Victoria Falls Bridge to Thornton River Lodge, ZambiaWe saw the waterfalls from a distance.

We planned to go on a day-trip to walk around and see the sights. Victoria FallsFrom the Zambian perspective.  Then we went on a helicopter ride over the falls.  We never got back to Zimbabwe to check out the view. Victoria Falls.

Peak flood season is from Victoria FallsIt was usually between March and May.  The Falls were at their highest level in April, but not at their highest ever.   If we visited Victoria FallsIn some places, there were no falls at all between November and December.  Consider timing when planning your trip. A great African adventure.

Victoria Falls

We enjoyed visiting the huge The world’s waterfalls.  We regularly attend local events at home. visited Niagara Falls.  It is not the tallest waterfall in the world but it is the largest, covering over 200 square kilometers (81 square miles), on the border of Canada and the USA.  

You can also find out more about We cruised in AntarcticaWe planned to spend extra time in South America Explore Iguazu Falls in all its different perspectives.  Iguazu Falls, located on the border of Argentina and Chile, is the world’s largest waterfall system. It is taller by 82m (269 ft) than Niagara Falls and wider by over 900m (3,000 ft) than Victoria Falls.  

It was not surprising at all that we had Victoria FallsWhen we think of you, we think of We planned our African adventure. It was generally considered another of the world’s largest waterfalls (measuring almost 2km (6,500 feet) wide and over 100m (328 feet) tall). Victoria Falls Created a natural boundary between Zambia and Zimbabwe

Victoria FallsIt was named Queen Victoria after the Queen of Great Britain.  It was originally called the “Mosi-oa-Tunya”The Kololo tribe, who live in this area.  This meant that the “Smoke That Thunders”For the pounding flow and noise of the falling water. 

The cliff edge was made of basalt. Cracks developed as the molten lava cooled.  This has caused the edges of the falls to be constantly eroded.  We were able to see the zigzag canyons that represented the seven previous waterfalls when we took the helicopter tour.

We were so eager to plan a trip on Our safari in ZambiaExplore Victoria FallsFrom different perspectives

VVisit Victoria Falls from the Zambian side

We drove to Thorntree River Lodge – ZambiaFor our day trip, Victoria Falls.  As we approached, our guide Nevy stopped and we could see the spray of the falls in the distance.  We stopped at an area used to measure water height.  The water levels were not too high when we visited.  We saw measuring sticks in two places to take measurements when the water flow was extreme.

Mist from Afar
Measuring Sticks

We entered the Park and stopped by the signs.  The relief map was a great tool for navigating the park. Victoria FallsOn the Zambian side.  First, we walked upstream above the falls.  We then walked around the edge of the waterfalls.  We crossed the Knife-Edge Bridge in the rain to reach Danger Point, where we enjoyed our last panoramic view.

Entrance - Victoria Falls From Different Perspectives in Zambia - Mosi-Oa-Tunya
Entrance Map

As we walked, baboons were always with us.  Although they were cute, we became accustomed to their aggressive behavior. Safari lodges in Zambia.  We occasionally saw other wildlife.

Baboon and baby

We stopped for a short time at the statue dedicated to Dr. David Livingstone.  In 1851, he was the first European who saw the thundering waterfalls.  He called it “the most wonderful sight I had witnessed in Africa”.

Dr Livingstone Statue

We were prepared for this. “most wonderful sight”When we explored Victoria FallsFrom different perspectives

First View of Rainbows over Victoria Falls

As we began our tour, Victoria FallsOur mouths were wide open in astonishment.  We caught our first glance of Victoria FallsFirst one, then two rainbows!

Double Rainbow View - Victoria Falls From Different Perspectives in Zambia - Mosi-Oa-Tunya

We followed the trail and arrived at the viewing spot upriver.  We were again rewarded, this time with a rainbow above the falls.

Upriver Visitor Deterrent - Victoria Falls From Different Perspectives in Zambia - Mosi-Oa-Tunya

There was a row of sharp rocks on the water’s edge.  We were told they were there to prevent elephants from drowning in the water as they were swept up over the falls.  We were not surprised to see a group of tourists cross the sign warning them not to go beyond this point.

Upriver Elephant Deterrent
Upriver View - Victoria Falls From Different Perspectives in Zambia - Mosi-Oa-Tunya

We were mesmerized with the fast-moving water.  We were happy to have visited at a time when the water flow was so high.  It was an amazing first look. Victoria FallsFrom different perspectives

Walking Along The Waterfall Trail

We followed the path opposite the waterfalls from the viewpoint upriver.  We walked along the path, sometimes a bit back from the edge.  At other points, we could see the water rushing down the sheer wall.  We got a close-up view of the powerful currents with our zoom lens.

Viewpoints Along Path

We stopped to look at the Victoria Falls Bridge.  This was the bridge from which we first saw Victoria FallsAs you can see, the following is a list of possible candidates. We crossed from Zimbabwe into Zambia.  This bridge provided the only rail link between the countries.

Bridge - Victoria Falls From Different Perspectives in Zambia - Mosi-Oa-Tunya

In the distance, we could see the Knife Edge Bridge.  The next stop was to see the view of Victoria FallsFrom different perspectives

Knife Edge Bridge - Victoria Falls From Different Perspectives in Zambia - Mosi-Oa-Tunya

Crossing Knife Edge Bridge

Before we get to the Knife Edge BridgeNevy, our guide, was kind enough to provide us raincoats.  The next section of the walkway was very soaked from the mist of thundering rains at this time of year.

Knife Edge Bridge

When we reach the Knife Edge BridgeWe were glad we had raincoats.  Many people were soaked by the time they reached the bridge.  We were soaked when we reached the middle. Victoria Falls

Knife Edge Bridge - Victoria Falls From Different Perspectives in Zambia - Mosi-Oa-Tunya
Knife Edge Bridge View

We reached the other side. Knife Edge BridgeWe took off our raincoats.  But we kept them for our return crossing.  We were glad to be prepared. Victoria FallsFrom different perspectives

He or she can be contacted atading Out To Danger Point

As we walked along, we could see the ruins of a castle. Danger PointWe have even more breathtaking views of Victoria Falls.  We even had another rainbow experience.

Danger Point View
Danger Point View - Victoria Falls From Different Perspectives in Zambia - Mosi-Oa-Tunya
Danger Point View - Victoria Falls From Different Perspectives in Zambia - Mosi-Oa-Tunya

When we reached the final view point, we looked across to the Zimbabwean side of the gorge. Victoria Falls.  We saw people walking along the paths on the other side of the falls.  We wanted to see the falls from a different perspective, so we crossed back into Zimbabwe. Victoria FallsVisiting Niagara FallsLater Iguazu Falls is visible from both sides of the border.The comparisons we made with the waterfalls were always interesting.  But logistics prevented us from doing so on this trip.  We were glad we got to see Victoria FallsOur helicopter tour offers a variety of perspectives.

Danger Point View To Zimbabwe

The following is a list of the most recent articles. Danger PointWe turned around and retraced our steps back Victoria Falls. We were so happy we got to go. Victoria FallsZambia. From the ground we could feel the number of waterfalls, and the force of their flows. But we did not really appreciate the size. Victoria FallsWe couldn’t see it until we flew over it.

Helicopter Tour Above Victoria Falls

We then headed to the United Air Charter helicopter base at Baobab Ridge.  When we arrived, we saw the fun shuttle which provided hotel transfers.

United Air Charter Helicopter
United Air Charter Helicopter

We booked our helicopter tour in advance. Plan our African adventure.  When we arrived we discovered that we had been booked on the shortest tour (12-16 minutes).  After much debate, we decided to upgrade to the medium flight (18-20 minutes).  This added a view into the Botaka Gorge.

We went to the Eurocopter EC130B’s helicopter pad to take a closer look.  This 5-passenger Eurocopter was loaded with optimal weight and balanced for safety.  It meant that not all passengers got a window.  We were thrilled when David got to sit in the front beside the pilot, and I got the window seat at the back.  The couple in the middle seats at the back were not happy with their helicopter tour.

United Air Charter Helicopter - Victoria Falls From From Different Perspectives - Mosi-Oa-Tunya
United Air Charter Helicopter

The following are some of the ways to get in touch with us. our helicopter tour over Iguazu FallsWe pre-paid for the best seats.  We paid for good seats in advance. Sedona Valley helicopter tourWe booked our trip in a small helicopter so that we could have window seats.  This was one of the factors we considered before booking a helicopter tour.  We were delighted with the views. Victoria FallsFrom different perspectives

You can also find out more about the Seychelles hereVictoria Falls from the Air

Our helicopter took to the skies and headed for Botaka Gorge.  Our pilot brought us down to the water’s edge so that we could see it rushing.  When we reached Rapid 26 he headed to the waterfalls.

When we reached Victoria FallsThe pilot made multiple passes over Victoria Falls in both directions.  The helicopter gave people on either side of it a great view of the waterfalls, both from the Zambian and Zimbabwean sides. We had a stunning view of the steep edge.  And we got even more rainbow views.

United Air Charter Helicopter
From The Air - Helicopter - Victoria Falls From From Different Perspectives - Mosi-Oa-Tunya
From The Air - Helicopter - Victoria Falls From From Different Perspectives - Mosi-Oa-Tunya

From above, we could see the Victoria Falls Bridge as well as the Knife-edge Bridge. We were able see the spots from which we enjoyed the breathtaking views of the waterfalls.

From The Air - Helicopter - Victoria Falls From From Different Perspectives - Mosi-Oa-Tunya
From The Air

The pilot returned back to the base after the time limit had expired.  We saw the river from the air. Victoria FallsHere’s a quick look at local settlements. 

Up stream From The Air - Helicopter - Victoria Falls From From Different Perspectives - Mosi-Oa-Tunya

We were delighted to return to the Baobab ridge after our helicopter tour, and we enjoyed the incredible views. Victoria FallsDifferent perspectives.  When we left Zambia, we flew to Our safari lodge stay in South Africa. We got one last look at Victoria FallsFrom the Air

From Aircraft Leaving Zambia

Victoria Falls Experienced from Different Perspectives

We were thrilled with the views we got. Victoria FallsFrom different perspectives  Victoria FallsWe were definitely looking forward to seeing (Mosi oa Tunya). Safari lodges in Zambia.  It was amazing to see it first hand in Zambia.  Then head high over the waterfalls to get views of both the Zambian and Zimbabwean sides.  We were so happy to have visited during the high water season, when the waterfalls were at their most spectacular!

There are many things to do in Victoria FallsWe visited.  We visited Victoria FallsJust as the moon reached its full phase, we decided to return.  We thought about returning to Victoria Falls in order to see the rare Moonbow (a lunar rainbow). This is one of only a few places that you can find a Moonbow due to the misty path.  We thought we had missed the Moonbows, given how many Rainbows we had seen. Victoria Falls.  But the choice is between an evening or a morning. game drive in ZambiaOr the Moonbow was one of the hardest to make.

We knew there are many other things we can do around the Victoria Falls – kayaking, white water rafting, bungee jumping and the Devil’s Pool.  We did not have enough time to enjoy more activities. Victoria FallsThe following are some of the most effective ways to improve your own effectiveness. This great African adventure.

Have you explored Victoria Falls in different perspectives?  Do you have a favorite viewpoint?

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Original content by retiredandtravelling.com – “Exploring Victoria Falls From Different Perspectives”

Read the full story at https://retiredandtravelling.com/exploring-victoria-falls-from-different-perspectives/

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