Five Provinces Provide More Invitations in the Most Recent Provincial Immigration Update – ASKMigration: Canadian Lifestyle Magazine


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Many provinces in Canada sent out invitations to immigrants recently. Ontario, B.C. Prince Edward Island, Manitoba, and B.C. all sent out invitations. Quebec also announced that the people who were chosen had been selected.

Ontario Needs Skilled Helpers

On March 1st, Ontario’s program for newcomers, the OINP, sent out notices to over 2,500 folks. These notices are in their “Skilled Trades” program. As you may know, Ontario was searching for people with specific skill sets. Everyone who received a notice from OINP between March 1st and March 2nd scored between 350 to 424 points for the points system Canada uses to rank its newcomers.

British Columbia welcomes you with a Welcome Mat

B.C. B.C. On February 21st they began with a general lottery, then followed by a series of draws for various jobs within the program for graduates and skilled workers. This setup includes an option for folks already in Canada’s Express Entry program. The next section of this article discusses who was selected in the BCPNP draws held on February 21, 2019.

The BCPNP sent out 69 invitations to people on February 21st. These invitations were given to people in five different categories. Most people needed a minimum score of 126 except in the “Entry Level and Semi-Skilled”The group only required a 99. Here are the categories – entry-level skilled worker and semi-skilled.

B.C. offered at least 143 more invitations through their PNP program on top of the invites for February 21st. Through their PNP program, B.C. offered at least another 143 invitations. These invitations were sent to specific job positions. These included the following: 32 invites were sent to construction workers with a score of at least 75, 41 invites to healthcare workers with a score of at least 60, 70 invitations to childcare workers with a score of at least 60, and less that five invitations to veterinary workers who had a score of minimum 60.

On February 27, the BCPNP held a second draw for people in their area. “Skilled Worker: International Graduate Stream,”The EEBC folks are included. Here are their invitations and the minimum scores they came up for each group. The minimum score for healthcare workers is 65. A minimum score is 65 for veterinary workers; 12 for construction employees; 90 for those in “tech”The minimum score is 108 for jobs; and 65 for childcare workers.

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