Have you Googled where you get your leads from? You could be losing out on business


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You know those missed calls that you ignore and then Google to see who called? You know those missed calls that you ignore and then Google the number to see who called. Guess what? This is what your leads are doing when they’re not picking up the phone. And it’s a golden opportunity knocking at your door.


Missed calls can be converted into clients


Imagine turning those missed callers into clients. Have you ever Googled the numbers to see what comes up when leads Google them?

This isn’t some far-fetched idea — it’s a real tactic that can boost your business. It’s a micro-moment that’s oft-neglected, especially when it comes to phone numbers tied to a CRM. CRM-based numbers are more likely to seem like they’re fake when calling. They’d have no history or results most of the time, which for many people is a clear sign of a scam call.

This is a snap judgment. “Is this spam, a scam or a call worth answering?”This is a moment of critical importance. You don’t have long to convince someone.


Do these two simple things


You should do two things — the first is setting up a branded call display.

The second … Imagine this for a moment. The first thing they see when they type your number into Google is:

“Did XXX-XXX-XXXX just try calling you? That was me!”

They’re going to click on that.


What to include when you call


You can also use the same method to Online leads are available for you to respond toYou approach this with:

  1. A polite greeting
  2. A mutually acceptable fact
  3. An easy-to-answer question

Tell them who you are, point out why you’d have been calling and then ask them a question.

The opening could be: “Hi, I’m Andrew with JSH Realty. You got a call from XXX-XXX-XXXX, you typed it into Google and now you’ve come here. Are you curious why I called?”

You can then list the ways in which you collect leads, and include a call to action. These will be tailored to your business.

This is an easy page to add to your website. Since no one will be competing with you, it will also be very easy to rank high for your phone.


Turning missed calls into clients isn’t just possible, it’s a simple way to boost your conversion rates. By creating an exclusive phone number page, potential clients will have all the information and contact details they need to get in touch with you. Start implementing it today and watch as your missed calls become valuable client interactions.

If you want to see a PDF of the structure of the page on your website, click here. DM Me on Instagram with PHONE SEO so I know what you’re looking for, and I’ll send you the PDF.


‘ Credit:
Original content by realestatemagazine.ca – “Have you Googled the number you call leads from? You could be leaving money on the table.

Read the full article here https://realestatemagazine.ca/have-you-googled-the-number-you-call-leads-from-you-might-be-leaving-business-on-the-table/

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