Local SEO is important for real estate agents


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Are you an agent who wants to expand your reach in your local market and make a statement? SEO (search engine optimization) may be the game-changer you’ve been seeking. 

SEO is not just a buzzword. It’s the process of optimizing an online presence in order to increase visibility through search engines such as Google. Local SEO is a different approach to SEO. While traditional SEO focuses primarily on improving rankings for general searches, local SEO focuses more on the geographic relevance of your company, and specifically targets location-based search queries to help you reach nearby customers. 


Why is local SEO so important for real estate agents


Targeting local traffic is important for real estate professionals that operate in a particular geographic region. It is important to note that the following are key words: for attracting clients. Your ability to reach potential clients in the local area is directly improved by optimizing your local SEO strategy. 

Think with Google reports 76 per cent convert (visit the physical location within 24 hours) of those who conduct local mobile searches and 28 percent make a sale. 

A survey conducted by BrightLocal.com in 2023 found that 98% of consumers use the internet to learn about local businesses. According to SEO Tribunal, 97% of consumers find out more about a business online.

These data points indicate that most people who search for local businesses are looking to become customers.

Local SEO strategies that are effective will help you to rank high in Google searches for real estate services or agents in your locality. This increased visibility will lead to higher engagement on your website, more traffic and, ultimately, more customers.


How can I increase my SEO ranking?


There are many ways for agents to improve their local SEO. Here are a few strategies that will improve your searchability and attract local prospects.


1. Claim and optimize the Google Business Profile listing


Your Google Business Profile listing (which you can create for free at google.com/business) acts as your virtual shopfront. Make sure all details — such as your business name, contact information and operating hours — are accurate and consistent. You can also encourage your satisfied clients to leave Google reviews, as positive feedback can boost your local search ranking and build trust with prospective clients.


2. Local keywords: a strategic way to leverage them


Use local keywords throughout your site. Focus on terms that clients in your area will likely search for. “real estate agent in [your city]”The following are some examples of how to use “homes for sale near [landmark].”Use free tools such as Google Keyword Planner to identify keywords with low competition and decent search volume.


3. Create locally relevant content


Blogging can be a powerful tool to improve local SEO. So, publish regular blog posts that cover local real estate, neighbourhood highlights, updates on the market, and community events. By providing valuable insights to your local market and incorporating your target keywords and phrases throughout, you can attract more traffic.


4. Ensure mobile-friendly website design


Optimize Your Website across all devices. Google gives priority to mobile-friendly websites in search results. This means that a responsive design will not only improve the user experience, but also boost your SEO rankings. As more people access the Internet via their mobile devices, it is important to provide a seamless mobile user experience.


5. Monitor and respond to customer reviews


Monitor and interact with client reviews on platforms such as Google, Yelp, and social media. Your commitment to client satisfaction is demonstrated by your prompt response to both positive feedback and negative feedback. Engaging with reviews builds trust with potential customers and signals to search engine that your business is active. 

Remember, getting glowing client reviews doesn’t have to be a complicated process. In a previous post, we described our proven framework to secure glowing client reviews. Quality testimonialsShowcase your professionalism and skills. 


SEO is an essential part of your marketing plan, regardless of whether you operate in a local area or serve clients from around the globe.

Optimizing local SEO is not just about achieving higher rankings — it’s about connecting with local prospects who are actively searching for real estate services in your area. Implementing the above methods will increase your online visibility. This will position your real estate company for success in local results and beyond.


‘ Credit:
Original content by realestatemagazine.ca – “The importance of local SEO for real estate agents”

Read the full article here https://realestatemagazine.ca/the-importance-of-local-seo-for-real-estate-agents/

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