The Benefits of Hiring a Professional to Stage Your Home for Sale


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Why would I need an interior designer? Isn’t that what the real estate agent is for? Hiring an interior decorator can seem like an unnecessary, expensive addition to your home sale preparation. Hiring an interior designer to stage a home can have a number benefits. 

Even though we may adore our houses and believe they are quite valuable, there may be blind spots we don’t see. Designers and house stagers can point out potential eyesores which could turn off buyers. Simple quick fixes, such as adding some accessories and decor, could be the solution. Staging your home may require a more substantial task, like replacing the flooring or paint. Therefore, you can raise your home’s value by making a few simple, yet effective improvements.  

Increase the value of your home 

A nicer home will sell for more. It’s possible that you love the shag rug, the bright walls, or the funky fixtures but they may lower the market price. Not everyone has the same taste or style in furniture and décor. A designer can help your home appeal to more people. 

Interior designers can update your outdated house with cosmetic changes, such as painting or upgrading light fixtures. You’d be surprised at how much a little tweak to the house’s design can increase its market value. The bathroom and kitchen are two areas that can increase the value of your house.

Increase your sales by bringing in more buyers

Initial impressions are important. You want to make a good first impression, because the first thing buyers see is your online photos. It’s possible that potential purchasers won’t even enter your house if it appears out of style. This could cause your house to sit on the marketplace for longer. Even the best photographs can’t make a house look inviting, cluttered, or outdated.

With an interior designer’s help, selling a home can become more manageable. Designers can modernize a space that is outdated. They can introduce new furniture, color schemes, and decor in line with the current trends. This can make your home stand out on a competitive market, and reduce stress for the seller as the interior designer will oversee all the changes. 

Spend Less time on the Market 

The following are some of the ways to get in touch with each other: Real Estate Staging AssociationUnstaged properties take an average of 143 day to sell. If the houses were staged, they sold in only forty days. In addition, pre-listed homes that were staged sold on average in just 23 days. Although every market and home is unique, staging increases the likelihood of a house selling quickly.

Benefits of staging

There are several reasons why home staging is popular among sellers. One benefit of staging is that it’s simpler for prospective buyers to see themselves living there. Staged homes have dining rooms, bedrooms and other private spaces that are set up for potential buyers to walk in and feel comfortable.

Staged homes are also clean. The staging business owns a large number of pieces of furniture, as well as other items. They also ensure that everything is presented well and up-to date. A staged property has less clutter, the seller’s personal belongings are gone, and the furniture is probably cleaner than when the seller owned it.

Interior designers can also identify any modifications that may discourage potential buyers. Hiring an interior designer with the right qualifications will help you make the necessary improvements to improve your home’s appeal to potential buyers. Interior designers can help buyers fulfill specific requests to upgrade the home before closing.

Are you interested in a property that has recently been renovated?Call us today! Zoocasa has a team of experienced agents who will be happy and proud to assist you in the exciting process of home buying! 

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