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Canada is among the most sought-after countries to immigrate to, due to the country’s exceptional quality of life, robust healthcare and education system, and liberal ethic of multiculturalism.

However, Canada is not always the last stop on an immigrant’s journey. Statistics Canada released a new study that found that more than 15 percent of immigrants left Canada in the first 20 years after landing.

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Using longitudinal data that spans from 1982 to 2017, this study found that 17.5% immigrants left Canada in the first 20 years after landing. Looking at the data differently, this means over 80% of immigrants who settled in Canada during the period chose to stay.

5.1% of immigrants left Canada in the first five years following their arrival. Several factors affected whether or not an immigrant left Canada.

Note: For the purposes of this research, the words “immigrant”The following are some examples of how to get started: “landing”These are technical terms used in Statistics Canada. “Immigrant”Newcomers are those who have received a newcomer’s visa. Permanent residence (PR) status. The status of the press “landing”The first arrival of a newcomer in Canada is referred to as a virtual land (if the newcomer was already in Canada when they received PR).

What factors determine if an immigrant leaves Canada?

Emigration, which is the act of leaving one’s home country (in this case Canada) to live and settle somewhere else occurred most often three to seven years after immigrants landed in Canada.

The following traits were common among immigrants who left Canada:

  • Over the course of the study period, those born in Taiwan, France, Hong Kong or Lebanon were the most likely to emigrate. In contrast, those born in the Philippines or Vietnam, Sri Lanka and Jamaica were least likely to emigrate.
  • Those who had never had children in the tax family were more likely than those who did to immigrate;
  • Immigration under the categories of refugee, caregiver or investor is less likely than immigration under the categories of entrepreneur and investor.

The study concluded also that emigration appeared to follow a definite pattern. “gradient”Based on education level, that is to say immigrants with higher levels of education were far more likely than those with lower levels to leave Canada.

The study concluded that immigrants who had a temporary (i.e.The study found that immigrants who held a temporary status (i.e.

Why could these immigrants be leaving Canada

Although Canada is one the most welcoming nations in the world for immigrants, there are certain reasons that these newcomers choose to leave the country once they have been granted permanent residency.

Integration problems in the Canadian labor market are one of the most common causes.

Other reasons may include problems adjusting to Canadian culture or languages, Canada’s harsh winter weather, and personal reasons for immigrants (like the death of a loved one, or a unique employment opportunity abroad). Older immigrants can also emigrate to their home country in order to retire.

Another reason could be that they always intended to leave. The study takes the specific example of immigrants from Hong Kong, many of whom may have taken advantage of new transportation and communication technologies to maintain a dual presence—essentially capitalising on Hong Kong’s economic opportunity, while also benefitting from Canada’s excellent quality of life.

Even with these factors in mind, many immigrants still choose to remain in Canada and even obtain citizenship. Canadian citizenship. Canada’s multiculturalism continues to provide fertile ground for immigrants from all walks of life to settle in the country. With rising unemployment, this is a problem that will only get worse. Immigration levels to rise in the coming yearsThe country has stepped up its efforts Accreditation procedures to help new immigrants integrate better into the workforce—while also increasing investment into Settlement services, to ensure that newcomers are supported by the government in their quest to integrate into Canada’s economy, culture, and wider society.

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Original content by “Exploring reasons behind immigrant exits from Canada”

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